Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Au revoir, Arivadeci, Goodbye, Paalam...

Hold your horses! I'm just moving in with my husband in wordpress. That's the closest we could get to living together...for now. Naks! So, you still get the same mindless and mindful, senseless and sensible, not-so-funny and hilarious entries about my adventures and misadventures. I just wanted to be closer to the love of my life. (giggles) So, please update your links:


I love you all! Thank you blogger.com for being my home for the past two years. (holds back tears) ...it's time to move on... (walks away, fade out to black screen)


At 5:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*fade to black, fade in dramatic music*

Au revoir and a bientot!

At 11:05 PM, Blogger angel directo said...

ay :( help a non-techie here. hahaha i don't know how to link up your new blog. will i still be able to comment using blogger? :)

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Cafevida said...

sigh... will miss you at blogger - but will visit you soon in your new home.


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